The Sign Maker For Qualty Products At Sensible Prices:- The Image Library - Decorative Borders

Decorative Borders
For Signs, Plaques & Memorials

The Sign Maker

Home > Image Library - Decorative Borders

All the images can be used for laser engraved gifts, wooden signs under 750mm long, lasered metal signs & award plaques and printing
Most of the images - apart from those with very fine lines - can be used for deep engraved signs & memorial plaques and cut vinyl signage
Only the bold silhouette style images can be used for signs which are sandblasted i.e. stone and larger wooden signs

Decorative Borders

On this page we have a large selection of Decorative Border Designs to add a little extra to your sign or memorial.

Selection of decorative borders

To save space the following images just show part of the border. They will be extended around the whole sign.
In each corner you can choose between a circle, a square or nothing at all.

Decorative borders
Table showing prices for addind a decorative border to a sign

Decorative borders

Decorative borders

Decorative borders

Decorative borders

Decorative borders

Decorative borders

Decorative borders

Decorative borders

Decorative borders

Table showing prices for addind a decorative border to a signDecorative borders to add to the design of your sign or memorial.
