Sand Blasting Jobs - Images, Time and Sand Used
It can be difficult to quote for exact times and sand used, there are so many factors involved. However if you look at the items on this page and on our main sand blasting page you should be able to work out a rough idea of cost.
Remember to tell the blaster how well you want him to leave the job. He could do the job quite quickly, just removing loose flaky paint and rust, or he could spend much longer and take off all paint to a clean finish. The time taken can also vary on how many coats of paint and the types of paint being blasted off. You can arrange to stay & watch the job being done if you prefer.
The fireplace took 45 minutes to blast and used 1 bag of sand. It was left unpainted. Total Cost £50.70 including VAT The bench and gate took 90 minutes to sandblast and used 3 baggs of sand. Cost £112 |
Items such as these chairs take a surprising long time. It is because the nozzle has to slowly follow all the narrow pieces of metal. It is much quickly to sand blast a solid object These chairs took just over 30 minutes each and used just over 25kg of sand for each one. Click here for
The trailor above took 18 hours to sandblast, using 25 bags of fine slag sand plus 10 hours to spray paint Smaller items such as garden chairs we can spray paint on site. Large items and vehicles can be taken to an excellent spray shop just a couple of miles from us - AT Motors 01769 560707. |