Welcome to the Sign Maker Image Library - A page of japanese graphics for use on signs and plaques

Japanese Graphic

All the images can be used for laser engraved gifts, wooden signs under 580mm long, lasered metal signs & award plaques and printing
Most of the images - apart from those with very fine lines - can be used for deep engraved signs & memorial plaques and cut vinyl signage
Only the bold silhouette style images can be used for signs which are sandblasted i.e. stone and larger wooden signs.

Authentic Japanese designs

Strickingly beautiful illustrations of plants, flowers, symbols, animals, water wave forms and patterns reflect the spare, sophisticated style of traditional Japanese graphic arts. The collection is taken from ceramics, lacquerwork and other arts.

Japanese Images

When ordering the images below use the prefix - Japanese JD

Japanese Graphics

Japanese Graphics

Japanese Art

Japanese Designs - Page 2        Single Colour Image Index


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Made in the UK.          Our team at The Sign Maker looks forward to helping you with your memorial plaque.

North Devon Biosphere Business Partner.